This picture seems to say it all. A poser and a true genius. There is a difference of course. We know that. We see Kanye West and the late great Jimi Hendrix in this photo. You can easily see who it calls the poser and who it calls the true genius. In my mind there is no comparison between these two. Jimi is the better musician outright. Of course that is my opinion, but one I will explore more in a future post. Kanye has his fans too and for many young people he would be the better one. They would view Jimi as the outdated type of musician only the older generation can like. They are entitled to their opinion for every generation has their stars and favorites, but for me the mere comments quoted in this picture by both of these men already explains the wide difference between these two and why there really is no comparison. In some ways it doesn't even need explanation. No musician needs to toot their own horn the way Kanye West does here. "I'm a creative genius and there's no other way to word it." Okay. Confidence is a great thing which I don't condemn, but self praise is totally unnecessary in the arts. In fact its a turn off for many.
In the few interviews I've listened with Jimi Hendrix you never hear him praise himself. In fact it's the opposite for him he was uncomfortable with praise. He didn't want it, or maybe he did but not from himself at least publicly. His music speaks for itself. Even during his last interview he laughs off being called "King Guitar" and downplays that quite a bit. "King Guitar now? Wow that's a bit heavy." He did not accept such a title fitting or not. Perhaps it's a difference of then and now, and how the new generation of musicians (if one can even call Kanye West a musician guess its all a matter of perspective) sees themselves. It's a major difference all right because Jimi's genius and talent are all in his music, and like I said it speaks for itself. Can praise be distracting like Jimi suggested in this photo? Yes, because it takes away from what you are working on. It takes away from what you're trying to accomplish. This is only one reason on why we have the poser and the true genius. The difference between a poser and a true genious.
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