Hello Viewers and Readers: First and foremost I will like to wish you all a Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and a good weekend. As you all know, I recently completed my 80's countdown, and like Tristian pointed out since he posted the 90's one we hope you got some entertainment, and education from our countdowns. We did and I know I had some fun not only posting it, but going back in time as this countdown helped me do. You know going back to my teenage years which was greatly nostalgic while also allowing to listen to songs I haven't heard in so long. Perhaps some of you may also remember a 30 day challenge Tristian and I posted here a while back. We posted songs relating to each corresponding day, and that too was fun. Starting tomorrow or definitely this week we are beginning a new challenge. This challenge too will be similar. We will also be posting songs relating to each corresponding day only this challenge is a little different. We will be posting songs relating to certain events in our lives or for example relating to a favorite thing. A favorite moment or a song regarding a certain situation or something special. It will be a new 30 day challenge, and we invite you to be here with us. The wonderful Mr. Comer and I will be posting our songs, and we look forward to beginning this challenge. We can't wait.


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