First allow me to wish you all a Happy New Year for 2015. Here's hoping you all had a great one along with family and friends. I didn't have a bad one myself. After years of welcoming the New Year here at home, I decided to finally end it with my Mom and Dad in East New York Brooklyn which is something I haven't done in so many years. Since I currently live in Staten Island that meant having to travel to Brooklyn which is always a lot of fun especially in the cold. I love the cold. I love walking in the cold, and there was something special about walking in the cold on New Year's Eve. Enjoying the travel yes, but I made my first stop in Sunset Park Brooklyn where I lived for over seven years before moving here to Staten Island. First I went to visit my brother who still lives in Sunset Park, but not before I took some time to check out the beautiful Christmas decorations that always seem to be everywhere. I took this picture in front of the tree at St. Michael's church. Its a funny picture because my hat looks pointy.


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