Tristian Comer began this blog and he asked me to help him run it. We posted videos and had some fun until life became complicated and things just changed. I regret that Tristian and I never got back to this blog. We spoke of it in recent weeks. We spoke of how we needed to get the blog going again . We didn't share many ideas on what to post but it was one of those things we wanted to get back to.

Unfortunately it didn't happen. Tristian passed away last Friday on May 7. I can't get into more details yet, but my heart is crushed by this loss. I never met Tristian in person but I feel this loss as if we did meet. For in my heart we did.. And I am struggling to cope with his passing.

I have no doubt we would have got back to this blog in time. So I want to start it up again in Tristian's memory. His last post was in 2016. He made this blog fun with his lists of songs for every day occasions. Like for example a 30 day list of songs that we both would choose to describe a thing or occasion. I'm going to attempt to posts lists, and memories. Tristian loved country music so I'll likely repost many of his chosen songs. He was a horror movie fan too and may have posted soundtrack music.

I will do my best to make this blog active again and keep it that way. Not only to honor Tristian but to bond with him here as I feel this blog will keep him close. I thank those of you who followed and supported us. And as for Tristian Rest in peace my friend. You will be missed. 

Ana M. Torres


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